Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Tuesday 1 April 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - The George Abela Interview

Is it a declaration? Or isn't it? Is it a promise of a declaration? Or a holding position to see whether the rules to elect the party leader will be changed to give all members a vote?

George Abela's interview on di-ve actually doesn't leave any doubt. So why are l-orizzont playing silly buggers and not covering him?

I think it's a real shame that at a time when everyone should be looking at the bigger picture of how to create a united party that can really take on the PN, people are already restoring to this type of playground squabbling.

If we can't even do this, how the hell are we going to get people to trust the MLP with the country. And another thing while I'm at it. Why did Jason Micallef have to comment? Whatever his feelings about George Abela - and I'm sure there are many who agree with Jason's point of view - as the CEO overseeing this election he should stay out of it.

We've got two months to discuss how the MLP goes forward and under which leader. There's plenty of time for heated debate and arguments but let's hope the focus stays on how to make the party more relevant to a wider audience rather than turning into an internal squabble.

Lets have huge rows by all means but lets make those rows productive!

In terms of policy, to be honest there wasn't much content in the interview I feel is worth writing about. Sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why should l-orizzont report the ramblings of someone who says he might join the leadership contest if only the party would change the rules of the game? Abela should make up his mind and commit himself officially, now or not at all. Should he join the leadership race in earnest I expect l-orizzont will indeed give coverage as will the other newspapers. But I don't expect this to be favourable coverage given the fact that George Abela actively sought to destabilize the Union for the past 5 years (and failed). His latest comments on Bondi+ plus were that he is "miksur mad-dirigenti tal-GWU". Should l-orizzont be kowtowing to Abela, given such blatant insensitivity at a time when he should be seeking to unify the stakeholders?