Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Sunday 13 April 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Joseph Muscat's Vision for a coaltion of Progressives and Moderates

I know what I like and I like what I hear. Joseph Muscat’s latest article on his website sets out two fundamental truths in politics. It’s essential to have a clear vision and strategy and then you have to work like hell to build a big enough coalition around that vision to get you into power.

It’s good to see that he’s making it very clear that there is a central role for George Abela in an MLP led by him. A coalition of progressives and moderates with a clear agenda for Malta’s role in EU sits very well with my own personal thoughts which I outlined yesterday. Let’s hope on 5 June we can start making this vision a reality.

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