Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Joseph Muscat's Vision - The 40 Points (Part 6)

I really have been letting the side down recently leaving this blog unattended for days on end. Since my last post, I've paid a very brief visit to Malta. That didn't help my chances of writing as I spent most of the three days trying to sort out - and pay for - my wedding!

Anyway, back in London and with an evening free so here come some more thoughts on the subject in hand.


Partit li jigi identifikat ma’ dik il-politika li toffri opportunitajiet ghal kull min ghandu r-rieda u hegga biex jilhaq orizzonti godda f’hajjitha/hajtu.

There was a slogan once upon a time to describe modern social democracy - "Equality of Opportunity" It's been a while since the phrase was coined but hopefully we can finally have a political vision in Malta that works towards this too.

27. Billi jinghata aktar tahrig permezz ta’ esperti, u anki barra minn pajjizna, ghal persuni involuti fil-Partit Laburista. Dan isir fost l-ohrajn permezz tal-kuntatti li jezistu ma’ partiti progressivi minn madwar id-dinja.

Opening minds and broadening horizons is what socialism has always been about. There is so much to learn out there - and so much for others to learn from us. Sharing ideas can only help to improve the party's ability to develop effective policies.

28. Billi jigu offruti bursaries mill-Partit Laburista, specjalment f' istituzzjonijiet Ewropej, lil zghazagh li jippromettu.

An excellent idea. If Joseph does win, however, I do hope that these bursaries would go to "zghazagh li jippromettu" and not the sons, daughters, cousins, friends etc of the great and the good. For too long we've lived in a culture where merit counts for little or nothing and where money and connections are the most important criteria for success. It's a difficult thing to break and the pressures to reward people for support or because of connections will be a tough test for a leader. Let's see how things pan out.

29. Billi zghazagh jinghataw opportunita’ ta’ zmien ta’ esperjenza fil-Partit Laburista.

Engaging young people, or not so young people, with politics and giving them an understanding of how politics can be a real force for good in society is something we should all work for. For those who have an interest in politics but don't have a family culture that encourages active participation or who aren't certain of the best way for them to contribute, the ability to take up intern positions. It also helps to cement people's feeling of belonging to the party and to widen even further the pool of input of ideas. It will certainly help to keep the offices fresh and people who get to comfortable behind their desks on their toes!

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