Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Monday 5 May 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Joseph Muscat's 40 Points - Part Three

The next set of points look at Joseph's third main objective, to give the Labour Party a clear message.


Partit li jwessa il-firxa ta’ l-appell tieghu u tal-Moviment tal-Progressivi u Moderati.
7. Billi jkun l-aktar partit politiku Malti bi presenza qawwija online.

So many people now look to the internet for their information that not having an online strategy is a real own goal. It is, however, very important not to get too carried away with the power of the internet. My own research into the use of new media in political communications here in London clearly showed that politicians are very quick to see the internet as a way of engaging with new audiences without really examining the underlying reasons for the disengagement in the first place. The channels are important, but without understanding the people you're trying to reach you're not going to get very far. I'm sure Joseph won't fall into this trap.

8. Billi jitwaqqaf Grupp ta’ Hidma biex janalizza s-sitwazzjoni fil-mezzi tax-xandir tal-Partit Laburista u kif dawn jilhqu ahjar l-ghanijiet taghhom.

I think the party's media has been doing a lot better in recent years in terms of the quality and variety of its programming. As someone who very rarely used to watch or listen to Super One while in Malta, I've now found myself following certain programmes regularly through the streaming service.

Of course, what Joseph is really talking about here is the political programming and the news. I know people love to complain about our current Government, and there is always lots to complain about. But I've always felt that the message has been too dire. For those who are uncertain about who to support or who are thinking about supporting Labour what they don't want to hear is that the end of the world is nigh.

Our day to day experience tells us that's not the case. What we should be doing more of, rather than complaining and saying how awful thigs are, is to show people how we would do things better. Labour should be more clear and more positive about what it believes in, how people will have a better life, that they will have equality of opportunity. As an oposition we should be more proactive in setting the political agenda, not just reacting to it and complaining about it.

I'm totally convinced that this change would really have a dramatic impact on the party's appeal, especially among younger voters who are obviously in a stage in their life when they are looking to the future and want to see positive things on the horizon.

9. Billi jigi kunsidrat it-twaqqif tat-tieni frekwenza tar-radju mmirata biss ghaz-zghazagh.

Not sure about this. Whenever politicians try to "look cool" they tend to make complete tits of themselves. I wouldn't rule it out but I think a better option might be to find ways of using existing media that alrady have an appeal with younger audiences. Of course, you've got to be careful with the old BA rules on how you go about this (I can think of a few ways already) but it would make more sense to get more involved with media that already has credibility.

10. Billi jinbeda progett biex permezz ta’ involviment ta’ akkademici u veterani minn diversi oqsma, tigi migbura l-istorja tal-Partit Laburista bil-ghan li tigi ppublikata u mxandra.

This is not a bad idea at all. I love my political history and would happily read this. I presume that overall not too many people in the wider community would sit down and read it but I think for the party, having a clear seanse of history does help to develop strategies for the modern era. Of course, I can forsee all sorts of controversy about how certain facts are interpreted but it might be a great catalyst for some long overdue soul searching within the party and the country. If positioned corectly it could also be a ctalyst for new interest in what the party stands for, what it has achieved and what it's ambitions for Malta are.

11. Billi jitwaqqaf Grupp ta’ Hidma li jhejji Kodici ta’ Etika ghall-mezzi tax-xandir tal-Partit Laburista.

I'm not sure this is necessary. After all there are codes of ethics in existence already. For me, at the risk of repeating again, the biggest issue is the message not how it is delivered. If we are going to adopt a more open, positive, progressive approach which looks to the future with optimism then I think the way the party media operates would change naturally, without the need for any new codes.

12. Billi titwaqqaf il-kariga ta’ Direttur tal-Kommunikazzjoni li jikkordina l-messagg b’ mod koerenti fuq dawn il-mezzi tax-xandir.

Absolutely necessary. You've got to be careful to make sure the person who takes on this role does not become the story. But luckily people have been there before us so we know how it can go wrong i.e. Alastair Campbell and Tony Blair. But we also know that what attracts new supporters to a party is clear sense of direction, a unified voice and a great feeling of purpose and momentum. The party needs to decide what the core strategy is but you absolutely need someone who is totally focussed and commited to ensuring that what the party decides is its core staretgy becomes the agenda for national debate. This requires discipline and coordination and should not be left to chance.

13. Billi Jitwaqqaf unit ghall-Marketing li jikkordina d-dehra tal-Partit Laburista.

Visual impact is obviously important and in a fast moving society can work better than other forms of communication. But a proper marketing campaign costs a lot of money so I think it's more worthwhile to focus on the PR side of things - and ensure that whoever becomes the 'Director of Communications' has a clear appreciation for the right imagery to accompany any story. For me, espcially in politics, marketing should complement PR, not the other way round. It's cheaper, and it allows you to develop coherent policy messaging more effectively.

Anyway, objective number 4 to follow. If you'd like to read the whole list of objectives you can find it on Joseph's website.

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