Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Sunday 4 May 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Joseph Muscat's 40 Points - Part Two

Moving in from yesterday, here are my thoughts on the second group of proposals Joseph has put forward. These look at expanding the appeal of the Labour Party


Partit li ikun Partit Ewropew konvint fi hdan il-familja tas-Socjalisti Ewropej. Partit li jkun kapaci jilqa s-sehem ta’ kulhadd u johloq Moviment li jigbor flimkien lil Progressivi u Moderati fis-socjeta’ taghna.

Sounds good to me!

4. Billi issir stedina pubblika lil dawk kollha li ma baqghux jidentifikaw ruhhom mall-Partit Laburista biex jergghu jissiehbu f’ dan il-moviment. Il-Mexxej jimpenja ruhu personalment f’dan l-ezercizzju.

This is a very personal statement. The invitation needs to be made but the Party also needs to make sure the reasons people have not felt able to support it are addressed. However, the fact that we have an open willingness to engage with a broader group of people who consider themsleves progressive and moderate, is a step in the right direction.

5. Billi isir ri-avvicinament mall-mezzi tax-xandir kollha fil-pajjiz.

This is a priority. Obviously people have their bias but this should not be a problem because these biases are well known. There's nothing you can do about that but how you engage is still very important. I've mentioned elsewhere the need for Labour to dictate the agenda of national debate, something it hasn't done for years. But in addition to this it's also important to get your message out as often as possible through as many channels as possible consistently and with a positive attitude.

6. Billi isir sforz ta’ rikonciljazzjoni Nazzjonali mall-partiti politici l-ohra u partijiet ohra tas-socjeta’ dwar avvenimenti politici li sehhew fil-passat.

This is a really brave move and something I very much doubt will happen. But it's still worth a try. The fact is that both sides have made terrible mistakes in the past - and some in the present - that have done real harm to Maltese society. Of course many of the worst actions go backto the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s and a lot of time has past since then. It seems to me that the only organsiation that has really examined its own conscience, and apologised for its actions is the Church. Before everyone involved dies maybe we should try and set up a commssion along the lines of what happened in South Africa. At least the victims on both sides might find out what really happened. But, I fear too much time has past now to start digging up the skeletons. Personally, though a laudable objective I feel it's just too late now and that we'll just have to bear the scars and work hard to ensure things continue to gradually improve in the way they have been over recent years. Maybe the Labour Party should be brave, take a look at the things it did wrong and unilaterally apologise for them. That might trigger others to do the same but i'd be surprised.

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