Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Saturday 31 May 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Joseph Muscat's Vision (Part Eight)


Partit li jsahhah il-kredenzjali ambjentali tieghu u jfittex li juza prattici Ewropej fil-qasam ta’ l-energija u ambjent.

32. Billi ssir review ambjentali tal-prattici uzati fic-Centru Nazzjonali Laburista bil-ghan li jitnaqqas il-konsum u jizdied l-uzu ta' energija alternattiva u nadifa, u jigi generat inqas skart.

You've got to lead by example. The fact is that so far all the 'environmental' activities in Malta have been a bit hollow. It's all been nice fluffy stuff. Oooh, let's plant a few trees. How pretty! There's been little or no effort to actually get it in to people's heads that we have to change the way we live. We are actually going to have to make a personal effort - each and every one of us. We are going to have to take personal responsibility for this. So far, our Government simply hasn't had the balls to do this.

Of course, it's a tough one all the more so when elections in Malta are so tightly contested. But taking the lead and actually doing something pro-active to force the party to change its behaviour and to become more carbon friendly I think is absolutely necessary. If we have to get people to change the way they live, we have to set the example. I hope this happens whoever wins next week.

33. Billi dan iservi ta’ progett pilota li fuqu jkunu incentivati biex jimxu c-Centri Laburisti madwar Malta u Ghawdex.

Of course .... and then all Government buildings one hopes.

34. Billi l-Kunsilli Lokali b’maggoranza Laburista u dawk il-Kunsilliera li jinsabu f’minoranza jahdmu aktar biex il-Kunsilli Lokali juzaw prattici ambjentali fil-komunitajiet i jirraprezentaw.

Mhux ovvja siehbi!

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