Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Saturday 31 May 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Joseph Muscat's Vision (Part Nine)


Issir revizjoni ta’ l-Istatut biex permezz tieghu l-istrutturi tal-Partit Laburista jaggornaw ghal din il-generazzjoni u ohrajn futuri.

I'm not reaally clued up on the structures of the Labour Party. As someone looking in from the outside it's all a bit of a mystery. Still, let's have a look.

35. Billi fost il-proposti li jigu miftuha ghad-diskussjoni jkun hemm li l-Assemblej jinhataw dimensjoni statutorja u jkunu miftuha ghal membri.

To be honest, not sure what this means but it seems to reinforce the ongoing theme of opening up discussion and engaging support more effectively into the decision making process.

36. Billi l-Konferenza Generali titwal permezz ta’ laqghat ghad-delegati fejn jigu diskussi u dibattuti policies, kif ukoll jigu mizghuda permezz ta’ kelliema minn sezzjonijiet differenti tas-socjeta’ kif ukoll minn barra l-pajjiz.

Absolutely a good idea. Less of the long speeches with the big heads telling us what's right and more open debate and discussion with groups reporting back to the conference. How to choose and integrate the different ideas is the question.

37. Billi jigi propost li fuq medda ta’ snin, il-Kunsilliera Lokali, li huma eletti direttament mill-poplu, jinghataw rwol akbar fid-decizjonijiet li jittiehdu.

Agree - absolutely!

38. Billi jigi propost li kariga fl-Amministrazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista tkun responsabbli direttament mill-kordinament tal-hidma rigward Kunsilli Lokali.


39. Billi l-Kumitati Lokali jissahhu halli ikomplu jsiru l-punt fokali ta' l-involviment tal-Partit Laburista f' kull komunita'.

This could be an interesting one. I can't be certain because I've never been involved in the frmal structure of a political party in Malta but they do give the impression of being a little too top-heavy in their structure. Getting local committees more involved will help morale and motivation and get people out on the street to canvass and campaign. Any party needs that.

40. Billi r-revizjoni ta’ l-Istatut tal-Partit tinghata prijorita fl-ewwel sena. Dan isir permezz ta’ Kummissjoni li titwaqqaf apposta ghal dan il-ghan u li tiltaqa ma’ l-istrutturi kollha tal-Partit sabiex tigbor ideat, suggerimenti u proposti. Wara, bis-sehem ta’ professjonisti minn bosta oqsma, fosthom mill-qasam legali, jitressqu ghad-diskussjoni proposti biex l-Istatut tal-Partit jittejjeb mil-lat prattiku, politiku u legali.

You judge an organisation on its results so there's only one judgement to make about the Labour Party over the last twenty years. Something hasn't been working very well and that needs to change. The structure of the party has not been able to deliver a winning formula and therefore the time is rype for reveiw and reform. I think it's fair enough that this is something to which attention is given as quickly as possible.

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