Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Saturday 10 May 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Joseph Muscat's 40 Points Part Four

My thoughts on the fourth objective ....


Partit fejn l-istrutturi strategici, amministrattivi u operattivi isiru iktar sinifikanti u li ikunu jirriflettu u jiffunzjonaw skond il-htigijiet tas-socjeta kumplessa li ninsabu fiha llum.

Without understanding what's going on society, politics is a waste of time so I suppose making sure the party's structures are geared up to do this more effectively must be an objective. As with the communications abjective my immediate concern is how are these structures going to be paid for.

14. Billi titwaqqaf il-kariga ta’ Direttur tar-Rizorsi Umani li jara li l-Partit Laburista juza l-abiltaijiet ta' l-impjegati u l-voluntiera bl-ahjar mod possibbli u ssir sejha pubblika ghall-persuni li jridu jaghtu kontribut volontarju lill-Partit.

Using the resources you've already got in a better way is obviously one way to improve performance without adding too many costs. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to volunteer - and plenty of current employees who could trun their hand to new challenges given the right working environemnt and motivation. I do think that a greater focus on running the party like a professional business which sets out career paths for individuals and strives for better performance is something that would do nothing but good.

15. Billi jitwaqqaf Unit ta’ nies professjonisti fil-qasam finanzjarju biex jikkordinaw dan il-qasam.

I suppose this is looking at the party finances. Raising money is always a problem and managing that money is also a challenge. More reliable revenue streams removes an extra pressure and allows for better planning of actual political work. I'm sure it's impossible for any politcial party to be really finanically stable but having the right expertise in place to help out should make a difference.

16. Billi titwaqqaf, minghajr spejjez zejda, Rapprezentanza Ufficjali tal-Partit Laburista ghall-Unjoni Ewropea fi Brussel.

The EU is our most important international relationship and the party needs to be fully up-to-speed with what's happening in Brussels to make sure policy is in tune with the broader agenda. The party needs to be seen as a Government in waiting and a close understanding of, and participation in, EU activity will undoubtedly help. It will also hopefully give the party access to other European progressive parties and their ideas.

17. Billi jitwaqqaf Unit li jiffoka fuq programmi ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea.

I suppose the previous points apply here also.

18. Billi jitwaqqaf Unit ghad-Djalogu Socjali li jiehu hsieb ir-relazzjonijiet mas-socjeta’ civili u organizazzjoniiet mhux governattivi.

The Labour Party has frequently let itself down in this area and hasn't developed strong enough relationships with many civil society groups and NGOs. Working hard here would I feel really bring benefits as these membership organisations have a big influence on public opinion, not only through the press coverage they receive but because their members will take heed of what the organisation says. They are also full of dedicated people with lots of sector specific knowledge that could really help the party's policy formulation.

19. Billi jitwaqqaf Policy Unit li jikkordina u jivverifika t-tfassil tal-policies tal-Partit Laburista permezz ta’ involviment ta’ politici u esperti.

All the objectives in this section have been pointing to this. Making better use of current human an dfinancila resources and tapping in to the expertise of Maltese and EU groups should ensure the Party creates more relevant policy that is in tune with the aspirations of modern Malta.

20. Billi ikun hemm Forum tal-Kandidati li jiltaqa regolarment mat-tmexxija tal-Partit Laburista u mall-Kelliema tal-Partit Laburista dwar suggetti specifici.

Great idea. I've often felt that the Labour Party gives the impression that it is an organisation very much run from the centre without too much input from other interested parties. Bringing in candidiates and back benchers more is another building block in making sure the party has access to the broadest range of resources to help it understand the needs of sciety, react accordingly and build a vision that can lead the country forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very big thanks to you for your so interesting post
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