Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Tuesday 13 May 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Joseph Muscat's 40 Points Part 5

The fifth objective set out by Joseph in his vision for the Labour Party going forward follows on quite logically from the previous objectives. What emerges is a desire for a party that is more organised. This in turn would make the party better placed to stay in touch with all the sectors of society and develop the right policies for Malta.


Partit li jibni il-politika tieghu permezz ta’ kuntatt kontinwu mas-socjeta’.

21. Billi jitwaqqaf Call Centre fejn jigu milqugha, mghoddija u segwiti l-kuntatti kollha li jsiru mall-Partit Laburista. Dan bhala zvilupp tas-servizz ta’ Assistenza Cittadin.

Customer Care is an important concern for any organisation. Like other objectives set out previously it's all about increasing professionalism. Dealing efficiently with suggestions and complaints helps to make the party more repsonsive. Importantly, it also imporves people's personal experience of the Labour Party and that can have an important long term beneficial effect.

22. Billi jinbeda programm li permezz tieghu kull sezzjoni tas-socjeta Maltija, fosthom dik l-organizazzjonijiet mhux governattivi u l-komunita’ kummercjali, ikollha kuntatt kontinwu mal-Partit Laburista.

The importance of NGOs and other organisations in forming opinion has been stressed elsehwere in this blog, as well as Labour's past failures to really build strong relationships across civil society. This is one of those ambitions that I'd like to see a little more detail on as logistically it's quite a challenge. It's an absolute priority to widen participation and to bring in as many organisations as possible into the progressive tent but it's going to need real discipline and dedication to get all this done with the resources available. I suppose a young team would have the energy and ambition to do this.

23. Billi jitwaqqfu aktar rapprezentanzi tal-Partit Laburista f’komunitajiet Maltin u Ghawdxin barra minn Malta sabiex dawn ikunu mgharrfa ahjar bil-policies u hidma tal-Partit Laburista.

Not sure about this. I don't think that Maltese communities abroad have a great deal of influence although perhaps getting more Labour supporters over to vote at election time might have an effect if things are as close as they were in the last election. But, things shouldn't be that close! I also think that with time, as the bulk of the emigrant community ages it becoming even less relevant. However, if there is time and the resources are available then why not. Every vote counts!

24. Billi, permezz ta’ konsultazzjoni fuq livell nazzjonali u lokali, il-Partit Laburista jara li jkollu rapprezentanza usa tas-socjeta’ fi hdanu.

The building of a bigger progressive tent is not just about listening to people and organisations. It's about real engagement. Whether it's art & culture, sport, charities or whatever the fact is that most people aren't spending their days worrying endlessly about politics in the narrow sense of the word. They're either worrying about things that are immediate to them or their living their lives doing the things they enjoy or feel are important to them. Politicians need to appreciate this to ensure they understand and represent their constituents properly. An outside voice helps you to see the things you're missing and very importantly, gives you objective and constructive cricticism that can be really valuable. People who aren't party die hards will also feel an increasing sense of belonging and feel they really can have an impact on the Party's, and eventually the Government's, policies.

25. Billi t-tmexxija tal-Partit Laburista timpenja ruhha li zzomm laqghat mall-kumitati u ferghat darba kull sitt xhur.

Good human resources, good communications, good customer care, good financial management and now, good internal communiactions. If this was a brochure for an IPO you'd seriously have to consider buying some shares. This is a bit of a no-brainer really. A politcial party depends on its grassroots to mobilise support and get things done. Without an engaged grassroots movement you can't get anywhere. The skill will come in managing the different expectations of different groups. At this point it's easy to stick to broad concepts and ideals but will keeping the grassroots happy make others unhappy. The solution here is to set out very clear principles at the outset. With a strong strategic framework, delivered through effective communications, you buy additional felxibility from people. They begin to understand that occassionaly they may have to compromise for a broader goal that will benefit them too in the end. But the leadership needs to be really commited to its strategic goals and needs to pursue them with total conviction. What that framework is seems to be emerging from these 40 points but I feel it needs to be crystalised into an easy to understand message.

26. Billi jitfassal progett specifiku ghal kuntatt mall-komunitajiet f' Ghawdex.

Gozo always has a slightly different agenda which needs specific attention. I'm not sure why this can't be accommodated within the broader contact project but I suppose political necessity in Malta requires that the Gozitans get a special mention. All power to them! But, I have to say this point is a little too vague to really make any real comment. Sorry Joseph!

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