Joseph's Vision

"I want to see the Labour Party not only transformed internally but rather taking in its stride the leading role to transform the country’s agenda into a more progressive one. I want to see the Labour Party at the forefront of proposing and advocating the environmental reforms and social changes that are overdue under this conservative rule."

Saturday 31 May 2008

MLP Leadership Contest - Endorsements

It seems there's been a bit of a ho-ha recently over endorsements, following Martin Schulz's statements about Jospeh when he was in Malta. I'm not sure whether what Martin Schulz says has much bearing on how delegates, or Maltese people in general think.

Obviously every candidate is trying hard to get as many high profile people to support him or her as possible and the other candidiates feel that Mr Schulz is perhaps the most high profile endorser yet. Maybe they still subscribe to the theory that becuase he's foreign he must have some special power to persuade people.

To be honest I think it was a load of hot air. Who the hell is Martin Schulz anyway? Sure, I think having his endorsement does help Joseph to further cement his international credentials but I don't think his input makes such a difference. I also diagree with the arguement that he shouldn't comment on Maltese affairs. He's head of the European Socialists. We're European and we're socialists (however you define that), so it seems to me it's fair enough that he comments.

Oh well, it all seems to have blown over now anyway.

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